英语教学案例 篇一
英语是一种语言,而非一般的知识。脱离了一定的情境,语言就难以恰当地表述,难以发挥其表达进行交际活动的实质作用。词汇教学是小学英语教学的一个重点,也是一个难点。小学 生笼统思维能力较差,主要以机械记忆为主。他们对枯燥乏味的教学内容,难于集中注意力,容易发生厌倦感,以至于影响教学效果。因此,在词汇教学中,增强词 汇教学的趣味性就显得尤为重要。我们尽可能根据教学内容、教学目标、小同学的心理特点等等,尽量采取丰富多样的教学形式,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动他们的 学习积极性,以达到课堂教学的最佳效果。
本节课是PEP Book3第五单元第一课时。这是以“食物”为话题,主要教学“rice,noodle, fish, beef, soup, vegetable .”这6个新词,复习 “Can I have some…, please? Sure. Here you are. 句型,并初步掌握What would you like for dinner ? I’d like some…新句型。并能积极的运用所学英语进行表达、交流,从而进一步激发和培养同学学习英语的兴趣,发展自主学习的能力以和综合运用英语的能力。
2. Let’s sing:Apple song
1、Ask and answer:
T: Good morning. Ss: Good morning.
T: What’s your name? Ss: My name is ….
T: How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you.
T: How old are you? Ss: I am 11.
T: Look at the screen. This is my room. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a TV/sofa/shelf/fridge/bed…
T: Do you like it?
Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: Then what’s on the table?
Ss: Eggs/Bread/Milk/Chicken/Juice/Hot dog/Hamburger…
3、Game:Quick response.
T: Let’s do a quick response. I’ll point to a picture. If you like it, you please say: Can I have some…,please?
S1: Can I have some milk, please?
S2: Can I have a hamburger, please?
S3: Can I have some juice, please?
T: Sure. Here you are. (Give students the pictures.)
(三)、Presentation & Drill
1、 T: Look at the screen. This is Zoom’s restaurant. In this restaurant, we can see a lot of nice food and drinking. What would you like?
S1: I like bread.
S2: I like milk.
S3: I like chicken.
S4: I like juice.
T: So many people like to go to the restaurant. Look! This is the menu. What would you like?
Juice ¥3 rice ¥1
bread ¥2 fish ¥8
milk ¥1 beef ¥10
chicken ¥9 soup ¥4
hot dog ¥3 noodles ¥5
hamburger ¥3 vegetable ¥2
2、If you want to go to the restaurant and you want to eat something, you must learn to say the new words: rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles and vegetable. Today I invite Zoom to help us. You can read the words after him.
3、Let’s do a quick response. I’ll say a word, you please listen and raise your card quickly, ok?
4、Wonderful! Would you like to eat the nice food? I think you should say: Can I have some…,please?
Raise the pictures and let the students practice: Can I have some noodles, please?
Teacher answers: Sure. Here you are.
5、Right! Then please open your books to Page 58. You can see a menu. Listen to the tape and then read after it.
(运用多媒体课件,创设学习氛围,协助同学从Zoom’s menu中学习单词。)
1、Look at my picture. If you like the food , please stand up and say: Can I have some…,please?
Help the other students to say: Sure. Here you are.
Practice in your groups.
2. Then we can go to Zoom’s restaurant.
I’m the waitress. Welcome! Can I help you?
Let the students buy something.
Can I have some…,please?
Sure. Here you are.
3、Who wants to be the waiter or waitress?
1、Today we’ve learnt Unit 5 What Would You Like, A. we’ve learnt 6 new words. And go to Zoom’s restaurant. Let’s read the menu again.
And if we want to buy food, we should say….
2、 After the class, I hope you can use the words and sentences in your life.
3、 Homework: Go to the KFC with your father and mother. Please try to speak English to buy food.
本课教学中,我为同学创设了一个喜闻乐见的情境——Zoom开 餐馆,在情境中,同学可以练习所学的单词,可以练习实用的句型,还可以初步了解西方的饮食习惯,一举多得,我教得省力,同学学得开心。在这几年的教学实践 中我们不难发现,同学对吃的食物总是有很高的热情。曾经有一个同学,平时的英语学习一团糟,但在学习食物单元时却获得了前所未有的好成果。 究其原因,就是“兴趣”两字在起作用。教食品单元时老 师经常会带上一大堆可口的食物,大家边吃边学,吃得开心,学得顺心,就算真的没带事物来,也会带来有好看好吃的食物欣赏,无意识地同学就掌握了这一大堆的 单词。除实物外,多媒体课件是教师营造逼真交际情境的最好手段。本课中教师除借助它发明了真实的情境外,还让多媒体开口,让Zoom教同学新单词,着实把同学的兴趣大大激发了起来,也确实收到了很好的教学效果。
在 教学中,我们不难发现任务型教学模式所倡议的教学理念鼓励师生之间进行互动,要求教师把教学内容融入具体的任务中,让同学边学边用,边用边学。在进行教学 时,同学在明确的任务目标驱动下,经常能比较自觉、主动参与课堂实践。这真正实现了以话题为核心,以任务为主线,任务以活动为载体,活动以同学为中心的教 学原则。在教学中,教师的价值就在于组织同学开展适时、适当的活动,和时提供并调整同学学习运用交流过程中发生的问题,通过结合教学目标设计出意义的情境 任务活动,引起同学的共鸣,促进同学积极主动地投入英语学习中。本课在设计时,早早地提出了Zoom的餐馆的任务,不但让同学有明确的任务目标,而且引起了同学强烈的好奇心和参与欲望;然后,又借助课件创设出的逼真的情境,让Zoom教 小朋友们学习新单词,并通过师生、生生等不同结构的操练,巩固了教学效果。同学在感知语言的过程中通过餐厅中点餐的任务情境,习得了这个对话。像这样,在执 行任务的过程中,待时机幼稚时创设真实的活动场景,使同学学之能用,学之即用,既可以培养同学在逼真的情境中自编对话、相互交际的能力,又可以培养同学的 协作精神,充沛发挥他们的各项职能特征,真正体现英语学习的交际性。
英语教学案例 篇二
教材: unit3 hobbies
1.让学生掌握词组:taking photos, watching insects, collecting stamps, growing flowers, catching butterflies etc.
2.使学生学会用what’s your hobby? i like doing--- 句型来询问他人喜欢做什么。
step 1warm-up
1. free talk
2. let’s sing : wish you happy every day
step 2 presentation
1.t: let’s go out for a picnic today. look! 把图片依次贴在黑板上,并依次描述图片,在不知不觉中把学生引入到野营的情景中。
2.(1)通过图片导入名词butterfly, butterflies,再加入词组catch butterflies,最后带出句型i catching butterflies.(说明可以用手抓,也可以用捕虫网抓蝴蝶。)
(2)通过一张照片图片导入动词词组taking photos 。方法同上用同上方法引出词组:watching insects, collecting stamps, growing flowers, catching butterflies
step 3 let’s play
1.小组竞赛::询问学生黑板上图片的名称,并让学生将其归类,当学生挑出单词:bee, ant, butterfly时,教师说yes, they’re insects. 导出新词insect,insects。再通过教具放大镜,把放大镜放在昆虫的图片上观察,引出词组watching insects 。
2 .滚雪球 如:(1)呈现邮票的图片,第一个学生说出单词stamp,stamps。
(2)第二个学生说出词组collect stamps。
(3)第三个学生说出句子i like collecting stamps.
3. i don’t believe you:
(1) 利用学生手中的一套词汇卡片进行类似扑克牌中“吹牛”的活动。
(2) 一方打出一张牌,说:he/ she likes taking photos.如果对方相信,就也打出一张牌说: he/ she likes taking photos 如果对方不相信就说: i don’t believe you. 然后翻开对方的牌,如果打方说的是真的,翻牌者就把牌拿回去。如果打方说的是假的,则打方把牌拿回去。把卡片打完的或卡片较少的为胜。
step 3 consolidation and extension
1. 完成活动手册。
2. 课余和好朋友玩一玩猜卡片游戏。
评析:上述课堂活动设计反映了该英语教师对情景教学和任务型教学的理解。一开始教师用形象图片为学生创造出野营的情景,自然地引出新授词组使学生不感觉突然。而且也有助于学生进入角色。接下来的活动设计上由三个任务组成,但实质上有的活动是在教师的控制下进行的。pre-task属于呈现但是整个活动是按照教师的思路进行的,交际双方不存在信息差;let’s play任务只是传统的巩固训练,没有加以展开,如果出现对某些单词进行扩展,如:watching tv, watching cartoon…就比较好。而滚雪球通过观察图片说单词到词组再到句子,使学生形成单词的联想记忆,举一反三。但其中也表现出大部分的学生只能做聆听者、旁观者,不能真正地参与进来,这个活动应该加以改进。抢答为小组活动,这样的活动能让学生共享资源,互相合作,互相监督,能够进行充分的自主实践,也能让学生在远离教师的宽松的环境中自主学习和自我评价。
英语教学案例 篇三
Uint 13 I came my plance
教学内容 :湘少版小学英语教材五年级下册Unit13第一课时。
句型:“How did come here? I came by…”。
1. 知识目标:
A:掌握并能运用句型:“How did come here? I came by…”。
B:认读并理解词组 “by taxi/by subway/on foot.”
2. 能力目标:
3. 情感目标:
2.难点: 熟练地运用两个句型参与交际。
Uint 13 I came my plance
by taxi by subway on foot
How did you come to …?
I came by ….
Step 1. Warming up
2: Free talk T:国庆节刚刚过去,在这快乐的一周里面你们都到哪里旅游去了?学生拿出自带相片各指出都到过哪里哪里。复习句型:Where did you go before? I went to…
Step 2 1:教师出示风景图片,要求学生分组假设自己身处风景名胜所在地,学说句型。 How did you come here?
I came by…
2: 学生分组练说此句型。
4:Let’s have a chant:
by taxi, I came by taxi;
by subway, I came by subway;
on foot, I came on foot;
How did Lingling come to the camp?
How did Peter come to the camp?
How did Anne come to the camp?
How did Jane come to the camp?
How did Mingming come to the camp?
Step 3 1:看CAI课件。图片显示在动物园里,许多动物欢聚一堂,要学生扮演各种小动物,并猜测动物是怎么样来到动物园的,练说句型: How did you come the zoo?
I came by taxi/by bus/by car…
S: This is Zhangjiajie National Forest Park./This is Tianxin Park./This is the Window of the World…
T: 请大家选择一个地方作为你们的营地,利用今天的句型进行情景对话。
I am a vehicale. I have two wings
I can fly. You can go some place by me quickly
Guess: What am I?
教 学 反 思
本堂课是遵循以上原则,并结合小学英语课程标准的要求而设计的。课堂教学以“How did come here? I came by…”。为主题,以与每位学生密切相关的“交通工具”为主线贯穿始终。我在课堂上为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,并将所学的知识自然有效地运用于生活实际,收到了“现学现用、学用结合”的成效。
当代教育主张“开放式课堂教学”,注重培养创新型人才。基于这一理念,我在教学过程中依据教学要求、结合教学内容有意识地充实了丰富有趣、针对性强的开放性游戏活动,使孩子们在“乐中学、学中乐”。比如,句型“How did come here? I came by…”是本课的教学重点及难点,我在教学中分别采用了“动物开Party”“设置夏令营地”“猜谜语,编谜语”等等活动,有效地提高了学习的趣味性,增强了学生的成就感。另外,在孩子们基本掌握三个句型之后,我鼓励他们自编、自导、自演对话,让所学的知识得到升华,并把升华后的知识转变成为真实交际的能力,并让学生把自编的对话,谜语写下来。自然而然地训练学生的写作能力,让学生觉得用英语写作原来这么容易,让学生获得成就感。
英语教学案例 篇四
d、本课时主要是让学生掌握four-skill words 和了解句型:What would you like for lunch? I’d like……让学生复习之前学过的句型:Can I have some……? Sure, Here you are.教师引导学生复习所学的句型。
a、重点掌握有关食物的单词:tomato tofu green beans fish potato pork cabbage mutton eggplant.要求通过四年级上册第五单元所学句型“What would you like for lunch?”操练所学新单词。
1、sing a song togther. An apple a day keeps doctor away.
2、So the apples are healthy fou ours. And make me strong.We should eat more and more fruit every day,we also should eat more
and more vegetables
3、ok, today we talk about many healthy food and your favourite food or fruit.
(二)Presentation & Practice
1、课件呈现第一张一些水果和食物的图片。让学生先热身,谈谈自己喜爱的食物。利用句型What’s your favourite food? I like……
T: My favourite food is bread and egg.What about you?
S1: My favourite fruit is watermelon and banana.What about you?
S2: I like milk and juice.
2、T:OK,just now. We talk about our favourite food. Next, I’ll show you some healthy food. Let’s look the picture.
3、下面以同样的方法引出以下几个新的单词:mutton, pork tofu.那么在这里的 mutton and pork 是三会的单词。
4、T: Today I am take a box.Can you guess What’s in it?
S: …………(在学生猜的过程中引出我们的新单词)。
T:Yes, you’re right.I have green beans.(教师从箱子里面拿出我们今天所教单词的实物,大家一起来读这一单词。然后以个别读,小组读等方法加强学生对单词的)。教师并示范单词书写的形式。
T:Who want to get a green beans?
S: Can I have some green beans?
T: Sure, Here you are.
S: Thank you Miss yu.
T: You are welcome!
5、Ok, and now .I’ll show you my favourite vegetable. 教师直接拿出这节课的三会单词“cabbage” 带领大家熟悉这一单词。
英语教学案例 篇五
Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes
(一) 教学内容
1. 本课是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一课时。本单元分别介绍了National hero, History makers,Sports stars 和 Superhero。这几篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。
2. 本课是介绍National Hero,是学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍杨利伟和神舟五号,让学生掌握有关词汇;后一部分是介绍杨利伟乘坐神舟五号宇宙飞船遨游太空的情况。
3. 本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过 culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。
(二) 学生分析
1. 组成情况
2. 学生的知识与技能水平
3. 学生已掌握的学习策略
尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。
(三) 教学目标
1. 通过快速阅读文章,学生能够对每段文章进行归纳总结,准确地把段落主题与所给的headings联系起来。
2. 通过仔细阅读,学生能够回答关于文章的细节问题。
3. 通过进一步阅读,学生能够学生能用英语对采访自己心目中的民族英雄。并尝试复述课文。
(四) 教学策略
(五) 教学过程
第一步 导入
T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李连杰)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does ‘hero’ mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero?
第二步 介绍文章人物
T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let’s read two passages about Shenzhou V and Yang Liwei.
Shenzhou V is China’s first manned spaceship. It lifted off at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. It was carrying Yang Liwei. It was launched very successfully and landed in Inner Mongolia safely.
Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut. He was a pilot in the army. He was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots and started training for his space flight in 1998. During the 21-hour space flight, he circled the earth 14 times. When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.
第三步 阅读文章
(1) Fast Reading
a. Astronaut lands safely
b. Welcome home
c. International good wished
d. An exciting lift-off
e. Introdution
f. During the flight
(2) Careful Reading
学生通过fast reading,完成了headings后,基本对课文有一定的了解,然后呈现出五道问题,要求学生再进行第二次阅读,对课文进行更深入的了解。
1. How did Yang Liwei feel duing the flight? How did he feel afterwards?
2. What did Yang Liwei do during the Shenzhou V’s seventh circle of the earth?
3. How many circles did the spaceship complete while Yang Liwei was sleeping?
4. What were helicopters doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earth’s atmosphere?
5. What did Yang Liwei do when he came out of the spaceship?
第四步 巩固练习
通过两次阅读让学生对课文熟悉,训练学生的阅读速度和解题技巧,最后通过ask and answer in pairs,培养学生的口语能力,并强迫他们记住文章的主要内容,为下一步语言运用打下基础。
第五步 语言运用
第六步 布置作业
A Teaching Plan for Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 Festivals
General objectives:
1.To read to learn the main Chinese seasonal festivals and their history origin and meanings.
2.To help them learn some phrasal verbs and functional items about the topic and try to use them.
Language aim:
Be celebrated by, fall on , mark, be decorated with, tradition/traditional, serve, take part in, get together
2.important sentences:
The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.
The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.
Ability aim:
1).Improving the ability of getting the general information and specific information from reading a text.
2). Using own words to describe some important Chinese festivals.
Emotion aim:
To promote students’ qualities of a patriotism(爱国主义精神,爱国心) by learning the main Chinese festivals and learn their history origin and their meanings。
Teaching important points and difficult points:
1).To get information from reading
2).To talk about festivals freely in English.
Teaching methods:
Brainstorming, task-based teaching method , heuristic teaching method , group work.
Teaching aids:
a recorder, a computer, and blackboard
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Greeting and reviewing.
Greet the class as usual.
Ask: what we can celebrate in our life? Get students to answer using the key words in warming up. eg,
Graduation, a birthday, Christmas, passing an exam, winning a scholarship, a sporting victory, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the New Year, a wedding, Halloween, the Dragon Boat Festival
Step2. Leading-in.
Show students many pictures of different seasons on the screen , asking: What’s your favourite season? Why? Help students answer using the words that they have already learned. Then ask: What festivals happen during your favourite seasons? Show more pictures about different festivals on the screen to help them to answer.
Students can work together to answer this question. Eg,
T:What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season? ( have a discussion)
(S1: I liker summer. There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day.
S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.
S3: ……
T:Well done. Thank you.
Explain the differences between Day and Festival.
Get students to read the text quickly, match the pictures with the festivals.
Activity2. Guessing.
Show some describing sentences on the screen to let students read and guess the names of the three festivals .
Activity3. Careful-reading
This time let students read the text carefully and get more detailed information to fill in the table of exercise3 on page36.
Ask some students to report their answers to the class.
Step4. Practice
Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to fill in the blanks according the text.
1.The Mid-Autumn Festival happens in September or______. it is important because it is a special _____ for family.
2. There are many different kinds of mooncakes ____ fruit, coffee, chocolate and so on.
3. The ____ ____ Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.
4.The Dragon boat race marks the _____ of the hottest season of the year.
5.________Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration.
Step5. Post-reading.
Let students discuss with a partner and answer the following question.
Which festival in China is most important for children? Young people? Old people? Women and men?
Then ask some students to give a report.
Step6. Homework.
1. do the exercise 9 on Page 37
2. remember the new words in Lesson One.
3. use your own words to describe a festival that you are familiar with.
Step7. Blackboard design.
Lesson 1 Festivals
The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.
The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.
I. Teaching books: Project English--- Unit3 Topic3 Section A.
II. Teaching tools: tape recorder, word cards, Powerpoint.
III. Teaching methods: Teaching as a whole, visual and situational method, and team cooperation.
IV. Teaching aims and demands:
1. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.
2. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
3. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.
4. Key sentences:
eg: What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …
Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Organization and revision:
1. Task presentation.
2. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.
3. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
4. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.
5. Listen to the song of ABC. While listening, get students find out food words from the song.
6. Check how much students have learnt about the new words:
Ss show pictures to partners and ask each other to spell the words.
Consolidation: Teacher review new words with the whole class (show pictures).
Step 2: Presentation:
1. Learn countable and uncountable nouns.
2. Classify the words on the blackboard into countable and uncountable groups:
[C]: egg, vegetable, noodle, cake
[U]: fish, meat, rice, chicken, tea, milk, water
3. Play a game:
S1: water S2: some water, vegetable S3: some vegetables, milk S4: some milk …
4. Consolidation: Practice those words with sentences.
eg:I like …(s) very much. J I don’t like …(s) at all.
( Students work with partners, then make a report. )
5. Ask and answer:
1)Review some words with students. (show word cards)
2) T:Suppose you invite some classmates to dinner at your home, hat should you say? First let us learn some key sentences:
eg:What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …
Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.
(Ss work in pairs to practice the key sentences, then act out the dialogues.)
6. Activity 1a:
1)Listen and understand.
2)Listen again, then read after the tape.
3)Point out some useful expressions:
eg: What about you, ××? -- I’d like some …
May I have some …? -- Here you are.
Help yourselves.
7. Activity 2 :
1)Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.
2)Point out useful expressions:
eg: Why not have some …? -- Good idea! Thanks!
Step 3: Consolidation and Practice
1. Work in groups and study the conversation in activity 1a and activity
2. Then work out to make a similar conversation with your group members. (Teacher is guide;Ss review the key sentences and useful expressions they just learned together before they get to make a new conversation.)
3. Act it out in class.
Step 4: Project
Summary: Check out whether Ss finish the tasks or not. (Briefly review the words, sentences and grammar we’ve learnt today.)
Step5: Homework:
1. Finish your exercise sheet.
2. Write down the countable nouns and uncountable nouns you learn today.
3. Make a survey of students in other groups about foods they like and dislike. Then write a new conversation of “Entertaining guests to dinner”。
4. Make a menu with your group members! (a daily menu, may look up dictionaries for new words, put some beautiful pictures in your menu).
如何分析别人的英语教案, 分析哦,不是写教案。希望专业人士能给个范例。
一。基本教学步骤是否齐备,即 导入,讲解,总结,练习,作业
English……英语、英国人 读音:英哥类是(轻声)
Book……书 读音:不可(轻声)
I……我 读音:癌
You……你 读音:又
He……他 读音:黑(四声)
She……她 读音:shei(拼音)(四声)
It……它 读音:义特(轻声)
Yes……是的、太好了 读音:叶死(轻声)
No……不是、没有、不要 读音:nou(拼音)(四声)
Is……是 读音:义子(后面这个音跟“子”类似,但是读的时候牙咬着舌头)
Are……是 读音:啊(四声)
Am……是(用在I后面) 读音:按木(轻声)
a……一个 读音:饿(轻声)
OK……好的、可以 读音:直接读出字母(欧kei)
英语教学案例 篇六
例如:我采用“Let’s begin moring (afternoon),class!”来作为一堂课的开场白,而在下课时用“The class is -Bye,class!”作为结束语。在讲课过程中,我提醒学生看黑板时,便会用手指着黑板并说出“Look at the blackboard.”让学生打开书时,我便会说出“Open your book,please.”,同时将双手摊开。要求学生合上书,我便说“Close your book,please.”并将双手由摊开到合并。
英语教学案例 篇七
五下 unit 5 a let’s talk 教学案例
1.能够听懂会说“what is she/ it doing ? she/ it’s running / ……” 并能在情景中运用。
1.本课的教学重点是句型“what is she/ it doing? she/it’s running/ ……”。。
3.教师准备zoom 和zip的头像。
step1: warm—up
(1) greetings.
(2) t: this class i will divide you into 2groups, this group is zoom /zip group(分别同两组同学打招呼) .
(3) t: before class , let’s warm-up ,clap your hands and chant.
step2: preview
t: stand up and do as i do.
walk walk walk i’m walking now.
run run run i’m running now.
jump jump jump i’m jumping now.
fly fly fly i’m flying now.
swim swim swim i’m swimming now.
(设计意图:通过作动作,不仅复习了上一课时的知识,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,也为下一步做let’s try做了铺垫。)
step3: presentation
(1) t: i’m walking now,(出示幻灯片),look at this animals what are they doing ? do you want to know what are they doing? ok, let’s listen and match.
(2)check answers.
(3)t: do you like nature park?
ss: yes .
t: i like nature park too, let’s go to nature park today。(播放自然公园的图片)。
(设计意图:通过进入nature park引入新课,学生会比较感兴趣。)
t: we are in the nature park now. look at it, what can you see in the nature park?
s; i can see a bird.
t: what is the bird doing?
s: the bird is flying.
t: yes .the bird is flying. what is the bird doing? we can say: what is it doing? it’s flying.板书并领读
t:what else can you see in it?
s: i can see a tiger.
t: what is it doing?
s: it’s flying.
t: here comes two elephants , look at the big one ,she is mother elephant, the small one is baby elephant. what is the mother elephant doing?
s: it’s walking.
t: yes. the mother elephant is walking. we can say: what is she doing? she is walking. (板书领读) what about the baby elephant ?
s: it’s running.
(设计意图:通过对自然公园里动物的观察,师生一问一答交流中引出本课主句型 :what is she /it doing? she/it’s …….
t: what is she doing? who can answer?(哪一组的同学先回答上来,他们组就上一个新的台阶。) she is flying kites.
zoom group asks : what is she doing? zip group answer: she is flying kites.
出示鸭子游泳的图片练习what is it doing? it’s……
出示张朋弹钢琴的图片:who can ask the question?
s: what is he doing? he is playing the piano.(区分she和he 的使用。)
(4) practice the sentences .用自己准备的图片在小组内交流。
(5) show practice.看看哪组表现的好。
(6) t: amy and chen jie is go to nature park too, let’s listen what are they talk about?(仔细听录音,培养学生的听力。)
(7) listen and repeat.(模仿磁带的声音,有利于学生形成良好的语音语调。)
(8) read the dialogue with partner.(学生结对朗读,培养合作精神。)
step4 consolidation and extension
t: i’m happy to see this beautiful park. look at the duck, what is it doing?
s: it’s swimming.
talk about the nature park in groups.
(2)t: do you like animals?
ss: yes , i like animals very much.
t: animals are our friends, we should protect them.
time is up , bye.
ss: goodbye.
但与存在不足之处:通过本节课我意识到教师自身的素质 教学基本功 驾驭课堂能力的重要性,在这几方面我表现的很不成熟,以后要加强这几方面的充实与练习。在课堂中评价形式过于单一,课堂提问时只注意了部分学生,没能把全体学生调动起来。采用的小组竞争,由于我操作的不及时,没能激发起学生的竞争力,使本课没能达到预期的效果。
英语教学案例 篇八
活动目的:学习和运用有关学校场所的英语单词,利用平面图介绍自己学校各种场所。 适合级别:1一2级 教学过程 : 1、教师事先根据本学校的场所位置画一幅平面图(简图),但不标出场所的名称。把平面图复印若干份 (做活动时每小组一份)。 2、把单词school,playground,classroom,office,art room,music room,multimedia room,library,language lab做成约2cmx3cm的小卡片(若干套)。做活动时每小组一套。 3、借助图片向学生呈现下列单词:school,playground,classroom,office, art room, music room,multimedia room,library,language lab。要求学生做到:(1)看见图片能说出单词;(2)给出单词也能说出场 所名称,只要求学生能认读,不要求拼写。 4、将学生分为4一5人一组 (小组成员必须围成一圈)。每组发一张学校平面图和一套单词小卡片。要求学生根据学校场所的实际位置把单词贴在平面图上。 5、让相邻的两个小组对比他们贴好的平面图。如有不同之处,学生自己讨论为什么出现不同之处,并进行适当的修正。 6、把全班学生分成三个大组 (队)。在黑板上贴三幅平面图。给每个大组再发一套单词卡片。每个大组派两个人到前面,把卡片贴到平面图上。首先完成且贴得正确的大组获胜。 7、小组内学生轮流根据贴好的平面图向其他学生介绍自己学校的场所 (如:This is the playground.)。鼓励学生使用其他所学语言进行创造性表达,如It is small,but I like it. 8、把学生贴好的平面图贴在班级的墙报上,或者贴在学校的布告栏或校门入口处,当作本校场所位置的英文示意图。 9、对程度较好的学生,可以让他们自己设计一个所教学校的平面图,并用英语向他人作介绍。 评述;此项活动结合学生所在学校的实际情况,通过比较真实的任务(贴卡片),帮助学生学习语言和运用语言,并开展合作学习。
英语教学案例 篇九
s your mum? She’s a nurse.
扩展句型:What does your father/mother do? He/she’s a/an ---.
Teaching key points:能够熟练地掌握询问家庭成员的职业的句型,并能进行交际。
Teaching difficult points:1、学生对未来理想职业的问与答。(普遍学生都要掌握)
Teaching tools:ppt、words card and so on.
Teaching procedure:
一、 Warming-up
T: Who’s on duty today? S: I am.
Duty: Who’s she? S: She’s Yang Lan.
Duty: She’s a hostess. S: Read.
Duty: Who’s he? S: He’s Li Yong.
Duty: He’s a host. S: Learn these words.
T: Who want to teach some job’s words?
S: Teach.
T: Who’s he? S: He’s Zhu Qingxuan.
T: Who’s he? S: He’s my mother.
T: What’s your mum? S: He’s a ---.
T: Who’s she? S: She’s Shen Ao.
T: Who’s she? S: She’s my father.
T: What’s your dad? S: She’s a ---.
T: We can say “What does your father do?”
S: He’s a---.
T: What does your mother do?
S: She’s a ---.
T: When you ask someone parents’ job, we can say(板书)What’s your dad/Mum?
He/She’s a/an ---. And “What does your father/mother do? He/She’s a/an---. ”(板书)
T: Ok. Now you are pupils. (ppt) Every day you go to school. Years and years, in 2020, you will go to work. Right? Now let’s think what do you want to be in the future?
英语教学案例 篇十
When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on…
What would you like as a birthday present?
I’d like…根据实际情况进行问答。
When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on…
What would you like as a birthday present?
I’d like…根据实际情况进行问答。
Unit 3 Ben’s birthday
A: When’s your birthday?
B: My birthday’s on…
A: What would you like as a birthday present?
B:I’d like…
A. Free talk
2.Look and say(看日历说日期)
3.Free talk
T: What day is it today? T: What date is it today?
T: When’s your birthday? T: What would you like as a birthday present?
T: Would you like a …?
T: When’s the Teachers’ Day?/When’s the Children’s Day? S: It’s Monday.
S: It’s the…
S: It’s on the…
S: I’d like a …
S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
S: It’s on the tenth of September./It’s on the first of June.
B. Read and act
1. Books opened at P22. Read the text after the tape.
2. Then read in chorus. Try to recite the text.
3. Act the dialogue.
C. Ask and answer
1.T:When’s your birthday?
T: What would you like as a birthday present?
Open the books at P25. Ask and answer in pairs.
2. Do a survey
A: Xx’s birthday is on … He would like……
D. Listen and write
1.Books opened at P26.Look at the picture , please.
T: Ben’s birthday’s coming. He is talking to his family about his birthdayparty. What would he like as his birthday present? Let’s listen carefully.
2.T: What would he like as his birthday present?
T: What else would he like?
T: What color?
T: What does Ron want?
3.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blankets.
4.Check up the answers.
5.Read the sentences in chorus.
S: He would like a big cake with a lot’s of strawberries.
S: He would like some fish.
S: A blue one and a yellow one.
S: He wants a blue fish, too.
E.Assign homework
1. Ask and answer(P25)
2. 通过询问制作全班同学生日表。
3. 预习Part E。
英语教学案例 第十一篇
⑵认读单词:quite, good at, say, try, fast.
⑶初步认读句子:she’s good at…
she’s quite good at…
she tries hard at…
she doesn’t work hard at…
step 1 warm up
i.review the adjective words with the cards.
ii.free talk:
s1: i’m very naughty. but i’m very clever.
t: is s1 naugty in class?
ss: yes, he is.
t:is he quiet?
ss: no, he isn’t.
step 2 presentation and practice
t:this student is very good at maths.
板书good at.帮助学生理解意思。
2.t: are you good at maths?
s1: yes, i am.
s2: no, i’m not.
3. t: how about lingling? is she good at maths? let’s watch the video.
play the video and have the students answer the question.
t: is she good at maths?
ss: yes, she is. she is good at maths.
d)t: look at your paper. what about her english? what about her science? now let’s listen to the radio and finish the report.
report: lingling
maths: very good
english: _______
science: _______
pe: run fast
art: _________
chinese: very good
e)t: how about lingling’s english?
ss: quite good.
(帮助学生区分quiet quite两个词)
f)t:is she goot at science?
ss: no, she isn’t.
t: she tries hard at science.
板书try tries
g)help the students finish the report. then play the vcd, and have the students repeat the text.
h)group work: have some students retell lingling’s report.
9. do the practice2 on page 24. look at the report of sam. retell sam’s report in pairs.
step 3 consolidation and extension
1.have the students do the exercise1 in activity book unit 2.
first, listen to the tape, say the subjects.
second, finish the report.
third, ask and answer.
2.do a super interview.访问自己的一个朋友,完成手中的报告。注意第三人称单数。然后汇报自己的结果。运用重点句型:
she’s good at…
she’s quite good at…
she tries hard at…
she doesn’t work hard at…
step 4 summary
1. t:what have you learned in this lesson?
ss: ……
2. read the key words and key sentences together.
step 5 homework
三、listen and repeat the text for 5 times.
四、write the new words and sentences for 2 lines.
五、talk about your friend with your parents.
step 6 blackboard design
module 6 unit 2 she’s quite good at english.
she’s good at…
she’s quite good at…
she tries hard at…
she doesn’t work hard at…
英语教学案例 第十二篇
一、 教材分析
今天我说课的内容是外研社小学英语新标准三年级起始第一册Module 6 School, Unit 2 What’s this? 我采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。
三年级的学生于本期刚接触英语,对学习英语充满了好奇和兴趣,渴望获得更多的英语信息和知识。经过本模块第一单元的学习,学生已经初步掌握了询问并识别物体的句型:What’s this? 和What’s that? 学生已掌握的知识和心理状态为本节课的自主探究打下了基础。
三、 教学目标
(1) 让学生能听、说、认、读pen,pencil,book,bag等单词。
(2) 通过学习让学生熟练掌握句型 What’s this? 和What’s that?
(1) 能听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作,如Point to the …
(2) 根据图片或在场景下进行简单的英语交流和表达,培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力。
(1) 通过学习活动,使学生有兴趣听、说英语,培养学生注意观察、乐于模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的竟识。
(2) 让学生在鼓励性评价中树立学习英语的自信心。
(3) 通过小组活动培养学生合作交流能力,从而让学生意识到学习英语的重要意义。
1、学习新单词 pen,pencil,book,bag ,能正确认读。
2、巩固已学句型:What’s this? 和What’s that? 并能用 It’s a…作出相应的回答。
(一) 小组活动学习法
(二) 情境教学法
(三) 课堂评价主要以鼓励性评价为主。
教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。精彩的课堂开头,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生演唱歌曲“Plese stand up ”,并做上相应的动作,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。同时,歌曲中的物品也可勾起学生们对已学物品单词的回忆,对复习句型What’s this? 和What’s that?作好铺垫。
教师出示Tom的图片,谈话向孩子们引出本节课的新朋友:“It’s Tom.” ,并让学生热情地和他打招呼。告诉学生们他是Amy的弟弟,今年才三岁。小Tom有些物品不认识,由于刚和大家见面,有些害羞,要老师代问,让孩子们帮帮他。孩子们对帮助他人都比较热心,反应都很积极。于是老师拿着Tom的图片,在教室里四处走动,随意拿起一件物品或指向一件物品,向学生提问:What’s this? 或What’s that?让学生作出相应的回答。适时还可用What colour is it?进行询问,借以复习表示颜色的单词。大力夸奖乐于助人的娃娃。这样不仅复习了旧知识,渲染了学习英语的良好气氛,而且渗透了思想品德教育。
1、教师拿着Tom的图片继续指向教室里的物品,向学生提问。课前教师在离讲台较近的墙壁两侧和较远的后墙两边分别贴上pen,pencil和book,bag的图片,分别使用What’s this? 和What’s that?向学生提问,学生可用中文来回答。教师引导用“It’s a…”来回答,自然引出新单词,进行单词教学。
1、游戏——Say and Point
请四位学生上来,分别站在四个不同的方位,手里分别拿着实物pen,pencil,book,bag再请一名学生发出指令:Point to the…其余学生做出相应的动作,以达到对新单词的熟练掌握。这个活动完全由学生来操作,既锻炼了学生的胆量和能力,又激发了学生学习的兴趣。
2、演一演。这个部分由学生导学。指派一生扮演Tom,在教室随意走动,指向任一物品,用What’s this? 和What’s that?进行询问,其余学生扮演Amy作答,以答到操练句型的目的。为了激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,可多抽几名学生扮演Tom练习。这个环节主要是操练学生能正确使用What’s this? 和What’s that?来提问。对能正确使用this和 that来询问的学生要加以大力表扬和奖励。
3、小组活动:Ask and Answer
以学习小组(四人)为单位,摆出pen,pencil,book,bag等文具,可故意将其中的一件放远一些。然后指派一人分别用What’s this? 和What’s that?进行询问,其他学生作答。依次轮流进行,借以达到熟练掌握句型的目的。若组内成员不懂,其他成员帮助,团结一心,完成任务。教师巡视指导。
4、学习课文 What’s this?
1、完成运用任务(1):赛一赛——将SB24页的activity 3设计为一个抢答赛。
教师出示单色物品,用What’s this?询问,学生抢答。在这个环节,教师要注意引导学生加上颜色作答。不仅巩固了新知,也复习了旧知。这个练习有一定的难度,教师要多加诱导,多给孩子思考的余地。通过努力,相信孩子们一定能完成得很好的。对答得对的要大加赞扬和奖励,比如说:呀,你真了不起!能说那么长的英语句子了!太棒了!
2、完成运用任务2:将SB 25页的activity 5设计为小组活动——Show and ask
学生展示出课前画好的单色物品图片,在小组内互相用What’s this? 和What’s that?来进行问答。提醒学生在问时把图片拿出来,做出合适的动作;在答时尽量加上表示颜色的词,教师巡视指导。
(五) 课堂小结和课堂延伸
Module 6 School
Unit 2 What’s this?
What’s this?
It’s a red pen.
yellow pencil.
What’s that?
It’s a blue bag.
green book.